AEMC Camp Meeting ‘Betania 2019’

What is Betania?

'Betania' is the Annual camp meeting for Betel International and the AEMC family of churches.


Friday, August 30th
Saturday, August 31st
Sunday, September 1st

Guest speakers

Rafael Delgado
Tomás López
Mario Diez
Elias Tepper


  • Full package - Friday to Sunday
    Includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and accomodation
    50 € Adult / 32 € Child (3-11 years)
  • Full package - per day
    25 € Adult / 16 € Child (3-11 years)
  • Just camping - Friday to Sunday
    With access to showers and bathrooms
    10 € Adult or child
    5 € Adult or child per day
  • Please note
    Transport is not included in the price
    Please bring sheets and towels
    Sheets and towels can be rented for 3 € each

Payment information

Entity: BANKIA
Title: Asambleas de Evangelización Mundial para Cristo (AEMC)
Subject: Betania 2019 y nombre(s)
Account: ES66-2038-1744-1138-0003-5897