Solor panels

Solar Energy in Betel Madrid

This January Betel Spain launched a solar energy project to improve the electricity supply for Betel residences.  Many of Betel’s rural properties need their own generators to provide electricity, at least during certain times of day. With the dropping prices […]

At the Turning of the Tides (Con el Cambio de la Marea)

New poetry book by Elliott Tepper

Betel founder and international director Elliott Tepper has released a new poetry book in English and Spanish called At the Turning of the Tides / Con el Cambio de la Marea, translated by Spanish author Cesar Vidal who also wrote […]

Betel Women's Residence in Torrelodones, Madrid

Authorization for Women’s Residence in Torrelodones

On Tuesday July 18th Betel received Authorization for a Women’s Residence in Torrelodones, from the Comunidad de Madrid government. The residence includes 19 beds (including one space for reduced mobility).  Fifteen of the beds are designated for adult women and 4 […]
